From my childhood
days till now I unconsciously grew fun of this song – God can do it again and again and again He is the same God today as He
always has been. This Gospel number always reminds me of God’s relentlessness,
and never tired approach in the blessing of His elect. Surely, God replicates His
blessings; as in the days of Abraham so in our day. The book of Habakkuk
adumbrates this point when it pointedly notes: “Lord I have heard of your fame,
I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. Do them in our days (Hab. 3:2).
It is therefore important for Christians
to always remember that God can repeat Abrahamic blessings in their lives, in
order to help them relive their Christian conviction. The Israelite were always
reminiscent of what God has done for their ancestors, and this for them
constitutes a veritable springboard upon which to enter into further and deeper
relationship with Him. They called Him the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
thus highlighting His nearness and readiness to fight their battles.
If we read and reflect deeply on the
marvelous works that God has done and continues to do, we are awe struck, but
it makes us affirm the unchanging nature of God. Take a quiet moment; meditate
on the wondrous works of God, and as you do so, remind yourself that God can do
it again and again and again, because He is the same God today as He always has
Let the testimony of others strengthen
your resolve to continue to push until you come to the altar to testify His