Thursday, 3 October 2013


The Israelites were reputed as God's chosen people; they constantly reminded themselves of how special they are by virtue of the special covenant between God and their father Abram; a man with no serious spiritual antecedent but answered God's call and was chosen from a whole lot to perpetuate God's divine design which marked him and his descendants out as primus inter pares of God's own people.

God called and selected this son of Terah from Ur and through spiritual transformation wrought by means of covenant changed his name and instructed his circumcision at the age of ninety-nine, and made him the harbinger of an unparalleled covenant in which both were to participate in a covenant of total inequality. Through Abraham, God's covenant extended to his grandson Jacob whose dramatic encounter with the messenger of the great ancient of days got a name; Israel. Thus, Abraham responding to the covenant of Yahweh founded the United States of Israel, a nation of highly successful people. Hear the claims some Israelites make to depict their uniqueness as God's choice - the only people who were 1,939 years without a nation, 176 Nobel Prize winners have been Jews, exalted to the highest position in the global business community, producing top lawyers, skilled doctors, surgeons and successful civil leaders. The list is countless.

Know this therefore that you are also God’s chosen people, you are a holy nation, you are set apart. The covenant relationship with God ratified by the blood of Jesus Christ on the wood of Calvary has made it so and has made you an adopted son and daughter and God’s special choice. Yes, you are part of Abrahamic legislation and blessings, for the Lord himself has said '...I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed' (Gen. 12:3).

For the rest of the month read and meditate on: Gen. 12, 15 and Psalm 105 and you will be richly blessed.

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